Thursday, September 14, 2006

Shelby makes USA Today

Stan Anthony sent me this link to USA Today -- they did a story on pocket ashtrays and listed towns participating in the Keep America beautiful cigarette butt campaign. Shelby's on the list!


Anonymous said...

When and where will the pocket ashtrays be distributed? Maybe someone could give all the cigarette smoking students at Cleveland Community College one of these nifty gadgets! With such a nice campus (nicer than what most people give it credit for) it’s a shame to see what appears to be hundreds of butts lying all over the parking lot and the steps leading up to the entrance.

Anonymous said...

Ichabods had some of them for a while. I assume that other businesses in uptown Shelby had them as well.

Anonymous said...

Look out your car window at the ground when you are at a stop light in Shelby. What's that? A huge pile of butts. People toss them out in my drive, yard, etc. They have nifty little gadgets called BUTT BUCKETS for people to use in cars, available at most truck stops.
The problem isn't the need for a gadget. The problem is L A Z Y! I have fast food trash pitched in my ditch. We cleaned up Broad River Greenway and almost puked. This is by far the trashiest place I've ever lived. I suppose people are royalty here. They expect others to pick up after them. RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY............. The only people who would use the nifty gadget would be responsible people. The lazy irresponsible people, smokers or nonsmokers, will continue to litter.